intense strawberry coconut ice cream & almond waffle bowls

Strawberry Ice Cream + Almond Waffle Cones/Bowls

i’ve been crazy about
we went an entire week,
ok technically only 5 days
of banana-strawberry smoothies:
that splash of almond milk
maybe a handful of baby kale if i think of it
and because i like it freezing cold
and a little icy
and a little thick
maybe a handful
(or two)
of ice cubes
all blitzed in the vitamix
we inhaled the strawberry pavlovas
(and i’m still thinking about them)
(so much so that might have to make them again very soon)
we’re also gonna
have to make another trek to
the strawberry patch
cus we’ve consumed the 14+ pounds
we picked two weekends ago
all this to say
that we made strawberry ice cream
which is kind of pedestrian
to share on a food blog,
i know
it’s straight forward
with a plain egg custard base
mais, alors
the pink hue
the tartness
in fact,
the intense tartness
that can only be described for
the first picks of the season
all encapsulated in this frozen treat
and because it’s such
a basic flavor
i made waffle cones & bowls
not so pedestrian of a post after all!

Strawberry Ice Cream + Almond Waffle Cones/Bowls

intense strawberry coconut ice cream & almond waffle bowls or cones

this recipe uses the yolks i used for the pavlovas. it pays to have a plan sometimes. additional notes at end of recipe.

6 egg yolks
3 cans of coconut milk
1/2 cup sugar
1 TBL potato starch
2 cups of strawberries, washed & quartered or halved
zest of 6 lemons, divided (the lemons were used to make this simple syrup)

for the strawberries, vitamix them until smooth as possible. it’ll equal out to about 1 1/2 cups liquid. reduce down in small saucepan on low heat, throwing a few healthy sprinkles of lemon zest. you’re aiming to get as much liquid/moisture out of the mixture as possible, leaving behind a thick sauce. i reduced it down to about 1/2 cup – 3/4 cup — basically until i got tired of babysitting it.

for the ice cream base, it’s my usual egg custard base. in a medium saucepan add in 2 1/2 cans of coconut milk, reserving the remaining for later. heat up the milk with the sugar until fully incorporated. add in a few healthy sprinkles of lemon zest. in a small bowl, separate your eggs. whisk the yolks, and then with a ladle pour in the hot coconut milk all the while whisking the yolks. this is tempering the yolks so it doesn’t scramble. if you want, add in another ladle-full. then slowly add in the warmed through yolk mixture into the saucepan, still whisking. you want the mixture to be fully incorporated. keep the heat on medium and keeping mixing until the mixture has thickened, about 10-15 minutes. at this point, with the remaining half can of coconut milk stir in the potato starch, then add mixture to the custard. this will thicken the custard even more, while also preventing full on ice crystals from forming when the ice cream is in the freezer.

remove custard from saucepan and allow cool. cover and refrigerate for a few hours, ideally overnight. same thing with the strawberry sauce.

when ready, pour custard base into ice maker and churn, then add in the strawberry sauce. churn according to manufacturer’s specs.

*note – technically, you could mix the strawberry sauce and custard before adding to the machine but it seemed like a whole lot of mixing and we figured the machine was well capable of doing that step for us. we opted to pour the custard first because there’s a lot more of it than the sauce, and there’s always a thin layer of ice cream along the edge of the canister that is difficult to scrape out when frozen. we figured we could “waste” that layer of mainly custard rather than of the strawberry sauce.

Strawberry Ice Cream + Almond Waffle Cones/Bowls

almond waffle bowls or cones
this round made about 4 bowls and two good-sized cones. best to consume day of, but if not, store in very air tight and dry container.

i bought our waffle cone maker TWO SUMMERS ago and we used it ONCE. oh for shame. my beloved adores ice cream and this is one contraption we cannot allow to gather dust!

2/3 cup almond flour
1/4 tsp salt
2 eggs
2 TBL honey
2 TBL coconut oil, melted

in a vitamix, blitz everything until smooth

heat your waffle cone maker to #3. pour batter into it, aim for 1/4 cup (let’s be smart, eyeball it and try not to get greedy) and cook for about 2-3 minutes. check on it after 1 minute, aim for a nice golden brown shade. very quickly and carefully peel the waffle out with a small spatula and shape over a bowl or cup, or into a cone. allow to cool.

a trick: i added a few chocolate chips in the bottom of the cone, the residual warm of the cooking melted it a bit and it created a stopper. if you’re a slow ice cream eater, like dw, hopefully no leaks!

serve with ice cream


Strawberry Ice Cream + Almond Waffle Cones/Bowls

other cold treats:
morestomach — spice coconut pecan
morestomach — coffee chocolate chip
morestomach — peppermint chocolate chip
tutti dolci — blueberry cheesecake ice cream
lark & linen — cookies & cream popsicles

37 thoughts on “intense strawberry coconut ice cream & almond waffle bowls

    1. dixya, stop. you guys don’t have strawberry farms?? ok. i just did a quick search here and hopefully there’s a farm nearish to you so you can start picking your own. it’s flipping amazing.

  1. That looks incredible! It’s making me wish a) I had a VitaMix and b) that strawberries were out here in Nova Scotia. Not QUITE!! Also, I’ve learned that there is no such thing as too pedestrian a blog post – sometimes the simplest things we make are the most delicious!

    The pavlova looks awesome too…that’s one of my favourite desserts to make because it looks like you made such a fuss….and yet……

  2. I love the idea of a strawberry & coconut milk ice cream — two of my favorite things! I’ve been making a lot of smoothies with the berries from my garden and put together a big batch of freezer jam too. I guess it’s time to make ice cream next!

  3. “It pays to have a plan sometimes.” I love you for that!

    You are so good, these scoops are so sensibly-portioned. I wish we were neighbors so I could borrow your waffle-cone iron! Homemade must taste insanely good. I already love waffle cones with all my heart. This is just the prettiest.

    1. sophie, i wish we were neighbors too! and it’s so funny you think the scoops are so sensibly portioned. what ends up happening is we add on extra scoops into the cone or bowl…

  4. The recipe and photos are seriously gorgeous–they should be framed. Must check out that waffle cone maker now…I thought I had all of the kitchen accessories possible, but apparently not!

  5. Super-impressed by your mad waffle cones! (And your photos!) Lovely. Lovely. *gah* I need a camera upgrade.

    Strawberry fields forever! If only. 😀

  6. Oh how I wish I have an ice cream maker & waffle cone maker right about now. Your recipe looks so yummy, and the photos!!!! They make me want to lick the screen 🙂

    1. i think an investment in an ice cream maker is a must, because you can definitely control what goes into the treat… honestly, the waffle maker was a splurge and one that hasn’t been used often enough, hopefully will rectify that this summer!

  7. this is AMAZING! The only other place on the internets I’ve seen gf waffle cones is on Roost blog (which is now pretty hard to navigate and search, so that recipe is pretty much gone). You have re-enlivened my belief that gf waffle cones are a REAL thing that normal people can make (ok, obviously I now need a waffle cone maker…). Gorgeous photos, too. Love that ice cream recipe. Daps for dairy free.

    1. hello, and welcome! thank you so much for visiting. and yes, GF waffle cones for the win! if you’re keen on waffles, like my husband is, an investment in the maker is definitely necessary. though my interest is piqued about developing a method that doesn’t require a maker for those who don’t want yet another kitchen appliance…

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